We are pleased to announce Charting Companion ver. 8 for Windows, the genealogy graphics software to help you tell the story of your family. Charting Companion 8 has a new look, and the same functionality as ver 7. Charting Companion 8 is built with the same code used for the Macintosh version. We have consolidated the two versions to reduce development costs, and insure that the same new features and enhancements are immediately available to both Windows and Mac customers.
CC 8 offers new "Wizard"-style dialogs that are simpler for first-time users. "Expert" dialogs are available to old hands who want to quickly navigate Charting Companion's rich features.
Charting Companion comes in 32-bit and 64-bit versions. The 32-bit version targets PAF, Ancestral Quest and Legacy users, as well as customers with 32-bit computers. All other customers will use the 64-bit version.

If you have version 7, there is no need to buy a Registration Key for ver. 8 yet, as both versions have the same charts. Our upgrade policy is:
- If you bought Charting Companion within the last year, you get a free upgrade. Contact us.
- If you bought more than a year ago, use coupon code CTN4CV8 for a 30% discount (download only).
We are now free to tackle new features and enhancements, simultaneously delivered to all our cherished customers.
Mac users: relax! you got this last November.