From an article by Caleb Williams of Brigham Young University:
"Ashlyn Taylor, a Brigham Young University student working for the Center of Family History and Genealogy, starts her day by clocking in and jumping on the computer to track genetic heritage through census data and DNA analysis.
"Once a week, Taylor joins a call with Dr. Brian Shirts and his team of researchers at the University of Washington to chart progress on research goals for a very specific project: ending preventable hereditary diseases, like cancer, using family history.
"While conducting genetic testing, Shirts discovered the same MSH2 gene variant in two individuals that shared no obvious relationship. Wondering if there was some genetic component, a staffer conducted genealogical research and discovered that these two were third cousins.
"Through extended family history research, dozens of descendants from the same common ancestor were identified and received preventative screening and care for cancer."
You can read the full article at: