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The National Archives of Australia to Digitize More Than 650,000 Second World War Service Records

16 Nov 2020 9:51 AM | Anonymous

The following announcement was posted on the IAJGS Public Records Access List and is republished here with permission:

The National Archives of Australia (  has signed contracts for the bulk digitization of more than 650,000 Second World war service records.

This is a four-year $10 million (Australian) contract of which 220,000 have already been digitized.

This project will ensure Australians can access almost one million of these records digitally by 2023.  This builds on the already digitized records of those who served in the First World War

To search by name is not difficult. Enter the name and select either World War 1 or World War 11 in the category filter. The digitized item column will indicate if a digital copy of a service record is available.To learn more go to:

Thank you to Gail Dever and her blog Genealogy à la carte for informing us about these newly digitized records.

To read the previous postings about Australia’s National Archives go to the archives of the IAJGS Records Access Alert at: You must be registered to access the archives.

 To register go to: and follow the instructions to enter your email address, full name and which genealogical  organization with whom you are affiliated 

 You will receive an email response that you have to reply to or the subscription will not be finalized.

Jan Meisels Allen
Chairperson, IAJGS Public Records Access Monitoring Committee

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