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MyHeritage Introduces Cousin Finder

8 Mar 2025 9:53 AM | Anonymous

MyHertage introduces Cousin Finder™, a useful new genealogy feature unique to MyHeritage that uses the power of family tree matches to find members of MyHeritage who are your blood relatives — cousins — with whom you share common ancestors. Cousin Finder™ then lets you easily get in touch with them so you can collaborate and gain new insights about your shared ancestors and family history.

Think of Cousin Finder™ as a new way to find DNA Matches, but without a DNA test. The MyHeritage members that Cousin Finder™ reveals may be relatives you already knew about, but you didn’t know they use MyHeritage, and in many cases, they might be new relatives you’ve never heard of before. Unlike DNA Matches, Cousin Finder™ shows precisely how you are related to each relative. With Cousin Finder™, growing multiple branches of your family tree further has never been easier.

Cousin Finder

Cousin Finder™ provides an innovative new way to crystallize the information from your matches to gain new insights. It does this by using your Smart Matches™ to extract only those people who are related to you through common ancestors, are easily contactable, and are likely to be interested in researching those common ancestors.

You can learn more in the MyHeritage Blog.

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