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Announcing Daily Email List of all New Articles in This Newsletter

29 Oct 2020 8:20 PM | Anonymous

I am delighted to announce the addition of one more free feature to this newsletter.

For years, various third-party companies offered to send email messages to newsletter readers listing all newly-posted articles. I never sent the messages myself; the various third-party companies did all the sending. Sometimes it worked well, sometimes it was erratic. Most of these third-party companies also inserted their own non-genealogy-related advertisements into each message they sent.

I never liked either the process of allowing other companies inserting their ads or the erratic delivery. When I switched to the new newsletter software 3 weeks ago, I decided to take matters into my own hands and create a method where I could send daily email messages to all the subscribers and to control the contents of each message. Namely, it would be reliable and would not contain non-genealogy-related advertisements.

The new daily email message is now in effect. Every reader will get a daily email message that lists all the articles I have posted in the previous 24 hours. If you want to read a listed article, clicking on its title will takes you directly to the full article on

To introduce this feature, all Standard Edition and all Plus Edition subscribers have been signed up for the new daily email and will receive their first message on Friday morning, October 30. (Of course, you can unsubscribe, if you wish.) In the future, readers will be able to sign up for the daily email list as they please.

If you look at these daily emails listing new articles and then decide you do not want to receive such emails any more, scroll to the bottom of a message and click on UNSUBSCRIBE. Your email address will instantly be removed from the mailing list ONLY. All other capabilities of your email address and password will be unchanged.

In the future, readers who want to receive the daily email list can simply supply their email address and name at or follow the links in the menus. That's all. There is no obligation to ever purchase anything nor any other obligation.

With these daily emails, you do not have to manually open a web browser and go to to see if there is a new article of interest to you.

NOTE #1: Articles are posted most every weekday but normally not on weekends. As a result, you can expect to receive email messages early the next morning (Eastern North American Time). That will be Tuesday through Saturday mornings in North America.

NOTE #2: You can unsubscribe from these email messages within seconds at any time you wish. You do not have to ask me or anyone else to make a change for you. As always, you have direct, immediate control over anything sent to your in-box from this newsletter.

NOTE #3: This has been the most-requested feature from newsletter readers during the past 3 weeks.

I hope this makes your experience with EOGN even more enjoyable.


  • 30 Oct 2020 7:35 AM | Anonymous
    THANK YOU, DICK!!! Exactly what I was hoping for!
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  • 30 Oct 2020 10:47 AM | Anonymous
    It got me here today! Thanks Dick. I really appreciate this feature.
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  • 30 Oct 2020 11:00 AM | Anonymous
    I guess the daily emails came back today. I wasn't sure what was happening. When I clicked on the subscribe to daily stuff, though, I got a webpage with just coded text. Using a Mac with current OS and latest version of Chrome.
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    • 30 Oct 2020 8:32 PM | Anonymous
      ---> When I clicked on the subscribe to daily stuff, though, I got a webpage with just coded text. Using a Mac with current OS and latest version of Chrome.

      I have no idea why you received "coded text." I will point out that the page (and all the other pages in this web site) were created on a Macintosh using the latest version of Chrome so I doubt if that is the problem.
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  • 30 Oct 2020 2:03 PM | Anonymous
    Thanks, Dick. So much nicer to receive daily e-mail.
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  • 30 Oct 2020 4:54 PM | Anonymous
    Thank you so much. This will be a great asset being able to check daily.
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  • 31 Oct 2020 9:11 AM | Anonymous
    Thank you for all you do to keep this newsletter up and running.
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  • 5 Nov 2020 3:29 AM | Anonymous
    Is there a way to unsubscribe from daily, but still get the weekly?
    Link  •  Reply

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